Happy first day of Summer!
What a classy week we had. Not hot, some good morning thunderstorms and a few good sunsets. The flowers are coming in and the zucchini are producing. Summer like it should be. I like this.
The doings of the week. All the stuff with some other stuff. Started off with a kayak adventure (first of the year). Didn’t go too crazy, just tossed the kayaks into a pond and paddled around for a while. It was calm and nice and a good way to start off the kayak season. Then I had to go to the eye doctors. I biked into town, did the appointment (got yelled at for not wearing my glasses) and then had to bike home blind which was kinda scary because I had my eyes dilated. I was blind as a bat and the bike ride home was not the most fun I have ever had to say the least. But I made it home alive and now I need to get a new pair of glasses.
And the school year is over! Cameron graduated from high school!!!! Miley is officially in high school (barf), Judah in middle school (barf again), Alex is in like 11th, and little So is in 3rd. Everyone is getting so freaking big and old and I can’t even. So to celebrate we had a graduation/end of school BBQ at the house. Th mr grilled, almost everyone came and ate food, the kids all played nice with each other, (Well kinda. They were running around the yard shooting each other with nerf guns.), and then everyone ate their weight ice cream sundaes and then left. It was fantastic. The first big family get together we have had in over a year. No one fought, my house didn’t get trashed (we stayed outside) and we got to see almost everyone in the family all at once. But wow did that much interaction kick my ass. Took me a full few days to recover from all the stimulation. HA!
Other then that, the mr and I have been going about the usual. Went for a rainy umbrella walk with Barb, Almost ran over a turtle on my morning run, picked up pounds of greens from the farm, and spent a fair amount of time in the garden weeding. Good times there.
Back to Sunday. The mr is doing some work (We start camping soon so this Sunday work shit has to stop.) so I am going to spend some time at the studio glazing today. I’m also going to attempt my first fade haircut. I have been shaving Mark’s head every other week and I decided it is time to give it a go. Worst case is I fuck it up and just have to shave again so biggy. Other than that, I am going to make a pot of coffee and sit by butt on the porch and read away. Summer style.
Oh and also I need to call my dad. It’s Fathers Day so Happy Fathers Day to the dads out there!
Internet links form the week.
-This is my life. The mr is a harder and I want to get rid of everything. Clutter Wars
-The trend that’s shaking up the food industry. Local is where its at!
-What All Those Knives in a Knife Block Are Actually For
-cool ass trees. A Magical Series Captures the Gnarled Branches of Socotra’s Dragon Blood Trees
-After a night or two sleeping on the ground any cup of coffee is gonna be a great cup of coffee. With that said, I got my camping coffee on point. The Barista’s Guide to Troubleshooting Your Camp Coffee
-You Need a Cast-Iron Skillet for Nearly Everything. I sign off on this too.
-Are bidets really better for the planet than toilet paper?. Those “flushable wipes”. So BAD!
-I did not become a better person during lockdown or do anything spectacular. Lockdown was not a sabbatical.
Pictures from the week.