Well another week has blown on by. A week that started off in summer and has returned to it’s rightful season of winter. IT got really freaking warm there for a couple of days and it really confused the heck out of my body. I kept putting on sweaters and hats just to have to take them off. But at least I got to wear my sandals once more before they go away for the next 5 months. Oh Vermont. There is a saying here that if you don’t like the weather, well just wait 10 minutes. And that is a truth.
Other then being completely engrossed in weather related things, political craziness, and freaking out a little about how the COVID numbers are climbing hard and fast around here, the week was not crazy eventful although Shannon did turn 40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY B”OTCH! And now ! am a sister with a sister that is 40. 😳 The mr and I celebrated with her by bringing her presents and taking her old ass for a walk. No big party cause well, you know COVID, but I think seeing me was party enough for her. HA
What else? Oh, the mr got out the old chainsaw and cut down a giant (already dead) tree that was about fall on one of our houses so that was good. We went to the beach with Barb, I made some clay Christmas trees while procrastinating all the glazing work I need to do, and spent a good amount of time going through and getting rid of shit. I am at a point in my life where I just want to own nothing which is exactly the opposite of the mr who is becoming more and more of a hoarder as he gets older. I told him no more but we might need to leave in separate houses soon.I can’t stand stuff!
And back to Sunday. Today the mr and I have plans to pack a lunch and take off, find a quiet place to eat, and maybe go for a hike if it is not raining by then. After that I should come home and do all the stupid shit I need to do, but you know, we will see how I am feeling. I know I am gonna make a big pot of soup so maybe while I am making soup I will make a list of the stupid shit, plus all the things that I need to do in the coming week. That’s it. I will organize and make soup. Sounds a-okay to me.
What the internet showed me this week
-What America’s First Ad Hoc COVID Memorials Look Like. They are starting to pop up, and they are only getting bigger.
-Skip Thanksgiving. Yup. We are all doing it. And it sucks but you know what, is a few hours of, lets face it, mostly bickering, worth maybe getting someone sick?
-Why do Americans like it to be 72 degrees inside? I HATE this so much. keep it 60 friends and grab a freaking sweater if you are cold. Jeez
-Not only is she a badass, she is also so right about Buffys love life. This lady, she understands the world. Stacey Abrams Can Fight Voter Suppression and Talk Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the Same Time
-Why Britney Spears’s fans are convinced she’s being held captive. Not the first or even the fith time I have heard this. I am starting to think it might be true too!
-These photographs are everything. I actually saw a piece years ago very similar to these and they it has stuck with me. Birds, they are magnificent. BLACK SUN: Amorphous Flocks of Starlings Swell Above the Danish Marshlands
-Time for a new knitting project.
-The Cider-Sipping, Mitten-Wearing Guide To 2020 Holiday Movies. I know you want to know.
-I didn’t know that this was a known thing. Why Germans love getting naked in public.