I didn't do this, it was Coco. I think he has a slight vendetta agains the Hulk. Must be jealous of his really big green body, or maybe his tiny head. Whatever it is, I am sure it is a valid problem that the 17 month old has. The head must come off.
Another week come and gone with more snow then I think is acceptable. (The acceptable amount of snow now is none) This weather is really stalling a lot of outdoor work and projects that the mr and I have and need to do so I am very much going to appreciate the fine fine weather when it actually comes. Especially my feet because I don't know hoe much longer I can handle having to wear socks. I should be in sandals right now.
Other then the weather holding us back, we did accomplish somet things. We brough the new couch home (yay) but it is still sitting on the front porch awaiting the cleaning of it's life.I didn't get out to the garden this week, because ice and snow, but the seedlings are growing so well that I have upgraded their indoor soil dwellings to newspaper pots. We are still on a massive, ever more pressing hunt for a new faucet for the bathroom sink, and I have decided to go into business for myself making and selling sourdough bread and paintings of fish. (hit me uo if you need either) So yeah, we are doing things.
Early Friday morning the mr and I hopped into the car and headed south for PA to visit with the Family. While down there we stayed at the old mans house somewhere in the Poconos. Megan, Justin, Alex, and the Bean (Sophia), came down too so it was a full house. The visit wasn't super long but we were able to spend the afternoon yelling at Grammy (because she can't hear for shit) at her swanky new digs of a home. There we met up with aunt Teena for a quick visit because she too is all out crazy now with seedlings, plowing fields and keeping the voles from eating her livelihood. . We also got in a hike, walked with the dogs, saw so many deer that I don't really care that I see deer anymore and watched Major Pain because that movie is pretty much it. A good quick visit for the books.
And it's Sunday, actually it is freaking way early Sunday morning. If you are reading this before noon, the mr and I are most likely in the car driving home.We decided to hit the road early so we have some afternoon time to get some shit done. As soon as we get home I am in for food, a walk, a nap, and then hopefully enjoy some of that spring time weather that I hear is "suppose" to happen starting today and get some yard work done. It had better be nice out when I get home or else.
Internet fun times from the week
-All of the World's Yeast Probably Originated in China. Oh so thats where it came from.
-This could be a great game changer, but lets not let it be an excuse to be assholes and use a bunch of plastic. Recycling hope for plastic-hungry enzyme
-I did not know, and now I do. How Birds-To-Be Get Oxygen Inside Eggs
-The Turn-of-the-Century Pigeons That Photographed Earth from Above. Pigeons are cool.
-A Decade After The Bubble Burst, House Flipping Is On The Rise. It's a crazy business.
-There’s a Giant Unicorn Island Floating Off the Shore of the Philippines This is for real and I don't think I like it.
-Why buy pots when you an make them (just make sure the new paper ink is food based) Easy Newspaper Pots
-Do I Have Seasonal Allergies or a Cold? This is always the question. And I would rather it be a cold but it's usually allergies.
-Your Cheat Sheet for All the Spring Alliums. Good to know if you don't already.
-To Curb Ocean Pollution, U.K. May Ban Plastic Straws, Stirrers And Cotton Swabs. Super proactive,smart people.
Pictures from the week