The world. I could talk about it but I don’t even know what to say. There are all sorts of feelings that come and go but what I feel most is sad for all the people. It is all very overwhelming and yeah. I don’t know, the world is a fucked up place and there are some seriously fucked up people in it. That is where I am at.
Other then the week having a shadow of doom and gloom, it had some good stuff. The mr and I went for an icy walk with So and Megan. It was actually more like a ice skate due to the trails being completely covered in ice which was fine by us cause we just bush whacked our way around. Then it go hot, like close to 60 degrees and all the snow melted (not all the ice though). It was crazy because you get so used to the cold and that first day of warm weather feels so luscious. Don’t get me wrong, I love me all the snow and cold, but it was super nice to have the front door open for the morning and to go for a run without having to cover my face and hands. But then it snowed again, a nice hefty snow and we went right back to winter. The upland downs of Vermont weather. Got to love it. Besides all that I also spent some time with clay, went through paperwork, did some other not fun stuff, and made bagels. Then we had Megan, So, Judah and Coco come over for said bagels and an afternoon of sledding and outdoor shenanigans . It was all sorts of fantastic
Sunday again. (It never ceases to amaze me how fast week can fly by). Today the mr and I have snowshoe in the woods plans for a few hours this morning then after tuckering myself out I have library plans followed by sitting on my ass and reading plans while drinking many cups of hot coffee and or tea for the rest of the day. Just about a perfect day if I do say so myself.
Some of the lighter internet that I looked at from the week.
-Real estate and all the jazz about moving is all sorts of nuts right now. What happens when Americans stay in the same house forever?
-And then there is this. Americans are fleeing to places where political views match their own. AReyou seeing this happening where you live? Living in VT this has been happening for quite a while.
-I have thought about how to fly with camping stuff a lot. An experienced backpacker’s guide for flying with camping gear
-Nordic by Design: 16 Ideas to Steal from Iceland (and Icelandic Turf Houses). I mean how freaking adorable are these!
-Give me all the dark black coffee but also sometimes a little spice too. You Should Add Spices to Your Coffee Grounds
-BEST OF: SPRINGTIME GREEN.Yes. And there a few couches in these pictures that I am obsessed with.
-In Praise of Crayons at Restaurants — for Adults. I don’t understand why people associate crayon with children. Crayons are for EVERYONE! If I went to resurnats (I haven’t eaten out Lin like 10 years) I would want crayons.
-Have you heard about the giant bear in California that is hanging out n Tahoe? Well they got the wrong guy. Hank the Tank Is Innocent!
-Growing up all I wanted to be was a cartoonist. Very Funny Ladies' sketches out the history of women cartoonists at 'The New Yorker'
Pictures form the week.