Happy bits

IMG_7589I don't think I need to tell anyone about how weird the past few weeks of weather have been, so I will just leave it alone because we don't need to keep thinking about how stupid cold it is outside or that the next week is only suppose to get worse. Booooo, but oh well. More time for cooking, reading, and trolling the internet (I have spent a little more time then usual getting sucked into the world-wide web.) Beacause I have been spending a little more time interneting, I have added an addition to  my usual happy bits,  a few links that I have stumbled upon that I think are cool and of things that I want or want to make… Cool internet stuff…..a bit of internet happy. 

  • So I recently discovered that I can waste a good amount of time on pintrest, especially looking at interiors and architecture and clothes (which I found really weird, but with one pin, an open can of worms…Dangerous stuff). I have a long way to go before I have nearly as many pins as other folk, but I am getting a good a start. Check out my boards...
  • I smiled so much when I read   this article.    So sweet and are some of the coolest tattoos  ever.
  • The original nomad. I am not a hot tub person (it makes me feel like I am being cooked..) But I might be able to get into one of these when doing some camping.
  • I practically started salivating when I saw this falafel.  I am so going to make it for a special mister and me dinner!
  • I don't have any big kitchen utensils… like a kitchen aid or a panini grill, and for now, I am ok with that, but I really want this waffle iron. I could so use the crap out of it.

So that's some internet stuff and here are a few life moments…..

IMG_7604I got to hang out with my little sister for the first time in like a month… She is just so busy being busy. I guess high school,play practices and boys and friends can fill up ones time at 15… but I miss her so much! I was very excited that she was able to hang out with me this week.  What did we do? Well we spent most of out time together taking pictures of her in my glasses, making food and then taking pictures of her eating food.  (She is eating whipped carob moose… like one should eat it) A fantastic day of silliness. 

IMG_7599I have been feeling like I might be fighting off an illness so I have been eating this Turmeric Ginger Garlic Carrot soup which I have been adding cabbage and topping with these pickled heart beet, all week long. So tasty and full of so much good.

IMG_7642 Oh yeah. Me, the mister, my sister, and her lovely little little went to Ikea this week. (the littles first international trip!!! Over the border and into Montreal) And of course at the end of any good shopping trip there is some type of food…. She  was so excited for the hot dog and frozen yogurt cone at check out. Champion food eater this one is.

IMG_1376 2And what's not to love about pretty flowers (primrose)…..Sadly this is not a current picture. I need to get me some color today. 

Which leaves me with my goals for the day..

  • Get 2 new library books (and return the huge stack by the door)
  • Make something tasty good for dinner and prep food for the week
  • clean bathroom and change sheets
  • buy flowers
  • Take a nap

Hope you all have a great day and the most splendid week!

Stay warm!


Make Yourself an Awesome Little Shelf

IMG_6543 The conversation I had with my little brother on his birthday...

Me- "Happy Birthday!"

Bro- "Thanks"

Me- "What do you want to do.. want to come over, I'll make you something, anything you want…donuts, cake, pizza…"

Bro- "Make me a shelf, I got like seven books for my birthday"

Me- "Um, ok… what are you thinking?"

Bro- "Something to hold like seven books"

Yup, he got "like seven" books and needed a shelf……. I guess I didn't realize that "like seven" was a unit of measurement. Man, I love my little brother,  but sometime I wonder about the kid. Anyway, Being that coolest big sister he's got (and coolest big brother in law who did most of the work), we went along and made him a  shelf. Hopefully it holds those "like seven books".

IMG_6419Here is the list of what you will need to make the exact shelf with the same measurements that we used…but feel free to use and adjust the measurements to your want or need.

  • 2 pieces of 1x8 common pine measuring 25 1/2 inches (sides)
  • 2 pieces of 1x8 common pine measuring 17 1/2 (top and bottom)
  • 1  piece od 1x8 common pine measuring 16 inches (middle shelf)
  • 2 pieces of 1x8  common pine measuring 4 inches (legs)
  • Wood glue
  • About 20 (having a few extra never hurt) 2 1/4 inch finishing screws


  • Drill
  • Either a circular saw or a chop box to cut the legs
  • Measuring tape
  • Speed Square or something to make a perfect straight line


The legs are the hardest part to make and really, it's so not hard. Take both 4" pieces of pine and cut in half ( each piece will end up being 3  5/8".. how is that you ask? Well here is some knowledge… 1x8  pine actually measures 7  1/2 "…. nuts right?) With each piece, measure an inch in on the bottom and side…Draw a vertical line to connect and  then cut the line. Repeat last step with the second piece you just cut, then repeat the whole processes with the second piece  of 4" pine. These words seem a little confusing, just look at the picture above, it has all the measurements on it too. In the end, you should end up with 4 legs.

IMG_6445Take one of the 17 1/2" pieces and with a straight edge, draw two lines form opposite corners to find dead center.  Measure 8" from center on each line, that is where the legs are going to be placed. Working with one leg at a time, add a smear of wood glue to each leg as you are about to screw it down. Place leg on mark and sink a screw about an inch up from the inside of the leg, screwing at a slight angle (see photo)..

Phew.. this is the most complicated part of the whole shelf so once you get the legs on… its all smooth sailing.


Flip bottom onto legs and sink a screw in (1 inch in on both sides) into each leg.

IMG_6468Now grab the top piece (17 1/2 ") piece and the two sides pieces (25 1/2"). Add a bit of wood glue to the side ends and line up top piece with the sides.  Sink 2 screws into each side. If you have another person helping, have them hold the pieces for you while you screw the top into the sides.. if not, use the bottom to rest a side against (like in picture). 

IMG_6483Now flip over and screw the bottom piece into the sides……


Take a minutre…. Look at what you have accomplished! You have a kick ass square with legs!

Now place the shelf. We went for just about center.. 12 1/2"  from the bottom. Mark the measurements on both sides and use a square edge to draw a line.

IMG_6515Place shelf on the lines (The wood should fit in tight, you might even have to bang it a bit to get it into place….but you want it to fit nice and snug.) Now screw the shelf…two screws on each side.


Flip onto legs and ……….TA DA!!!! So Fancy!

 You now have a shelf to shelf things.. Simple as that. And I tested it out…It holds more the "like seven" books. A success! 

Note…...If you are feeling like you need to, use a little wood putty to fill in the screw holes. You can sand it if you want. You might even want to stain or paint it. Up to you. The shelf is made and is yours to do what you will. Me, I like it just the way it is.

If anyone out there takes this little shelf project up.. let me know how it goes, maybe even send a picture…and feel free to ask any questions!

Have fun building awesomeness!


Bits of Happy

First week of the New Year.. and I am ready to take this year and ride it like a bull.(I don't know  exactly what that mean, but it sounds right) I am not a new years resolution kind of gal, but I am a goal oriented person and this week I have been thinking a lot about my goals and wishes for life…. and I am on my way..Nothing is going to stop me!(unless I end up getting arrested, but that is not a goal) Anyway, as always, the mister and I spent a good chunk of time with the family. Everyone's kids have had the past two weeks off and I think all of my sisters are about to kill a small child(possibly one of their own), so we tried to help out as much as we could.I mean, I am even happy that the kids all go back to school tomorrow. But it was a good week, we went to a bouncy castle birthday party (I didn't get to bounce..so sad)  and made balloon animals(well sort of. Nick knows how to do a few, I know how to make a snake and inappropriate jokes.) I got to bake a lot and test out a few new food recipes(tasty things to come!) Its been pretty freaking cold so we spent more time then usual indoors which meant I got to read a lot.  We even cleaned out the basement and made it more human friendly..and didn't kill each other doing it! All in all, not a bad start to the new year.  Here are some happy highlights.

IMG_6355New Years Eve hike. Anything outside makes me happy.This giant tree fell over on the trail and it looked so pretty. And yes, Washer looks handsome  too. 

IMG_6495 IMG_6568 IMG_6551       My Grammy Stems Poppy seed roll recipe…My Dad makes them every year and this is the first time I ever made them. I split the recipe in half( the recipe make 6 huge rolls) and turned one of the rolls into little rolls. Those little rolls might be one of the prettiest things I have ever made. I am going to be making them again soon. 

IMG_6640We had to take out Christmas tree down…which is kind of sad, but I stopped watering it and Nick stopped watering it….and it turned into fire tinder.  Nick took the popcorn garland from the tree and lined the fence…. that made up for not having the tree anymore. IMG_6729Best Christmas present ever…The Mister paid off my outrageous library fine so I can start taking books out again.!(what a guy) I am reading both of these at the moment… and both are excellent!  I kinda don't want to do anything but read. 

IMG_6716This situation going on here…sometimes the most simplest of ingredients make the best dishes… IMG_5434This blue arrow, a marker in the woods. I love arrows

IMG_6337A visit to a green house. I am a house plant slut…I have a ton and always want more.  But ever since we moved into our little cave(it has almost zero natural light) my plants have been sad and I am trying my hardest to keep them happy.  I was on the hunt for some plant food to keep my green babies alive and I found myself happily wondering this greenhouses. I think everyone should have a green house full of plants, it's impossible to not feel good in a light warm room of color. 

IMG_6746 Freshy snow walk. Our feet were the first to lay tracks around the neighborhood. Our feet are awesome.

IMG_6726I love my little kitchen wall, but I would love a little more space/storage/light. I am dreaming up a few kitchen projects for the mister and I to tackle, maybe more shelves, some hooks..Maybe a big old hole in the wall? I spend a lot of time fantasizing about little ways to make the kitchen a little more awesome(it's pretty awesome now) But I mean, a window would make everyone happy. Just an idea…We will see.

So yeah,  the little bits.

Hope You all had a great week and are staying warm and cozy!
