Twice Baked Lentil Stuff Sweet Potatoes


Whenever my little sister comes over for dinner, I always end up making lentils in some form or another because she, like me, is awesome and loves a good lentil. It makes me so happy that she has such great taste in food and wants to eat what I make.  It's validation from a teenage girl which is the best kind of validation. 

So last night when she came over after school for dinner and trash talk (she likes to verbally abuse Nick)  we decided  to make both of our favorites … Lentils AND sweet potatoes. How can you go wrong with that combo? Well I am telling you that you can't. The rich creamy soft and slightly sweet sweet potato mixed up with the hearty, earthy, oh so fantastically tasty lentil. Add in a bit of kale and cheese if you wish and serve with salsa and guac... Whoa, it's the best!!!

Such a great evening, I get to the cooking, the sister gets to the verbal abuse and the mister, begin the champ that he is, takes it and dishes it right back. 

I am the greatest(coolest) sister. 


Baked sweet potatoes, cooked lentils, chopped up kale and monetary jack cheese (Cheese is optional.. and make it vegan cheese if you want) And you don't need then, but salsa and guacamole are the best toppings.. So you have them. 


Cut the cooked potato in half lengthwise and scoop the flesh out into a bowl. With a fork, smooth the potato , sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix in lentils and kale.


Stuff the mixture back into the skins of the potato.


And add some cheese (The mister and the sister wanted lots of cheese, no cheese for me) and stick the potatoes into the oven and let bake for another 5 or so minutes or until the cheese is all melty or the top is nice and crispy. 


Remove and plate… Serve with salsa and guacamole and maybe some corn chips.  

I am the greatest sister


Twice Baked Lentil Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Makes 2 serving

  • 1 Large Sweet Potato
  • 1 cup Prepared Lentils
  • 1 cup Chopped Kale
  • 1/2 cup Grated Monetary Jack Cheese (Vegan style or not) 
  • Salsa (optional)
  • Guacamole(optional)

Place potato in oven at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until soft a baked throughout.

While potato is baking, prepare lentils.  2 cups water to 1 cup lentils. Add water and lentil to pot, bring to a boil, add a sprinkle of salt, and reduce to simmer until lentils are tender. 

When potato is cooked, remove potato  and let cool for a few minutes. Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out most of the flesh out of the skins and place into a big bowl. WIth a fork, mash the potato a bit  Add in the lentils and the kale, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and mix to combine. Stuff the mixture back into the skins of the potatoes and top with cheese. (if using ) Place potatoes back into oven for 5-10 minutes until cheese is melty and bubbly or the top of the potato is a bit crispy. Remove from oven and serve on a plate with salsa and guacamole.

Eat and be happy. 

Sunday Bits

IMG_1287Not much to say about the past week. We did some work, had a little fun, caught up with a few things and dragged behind on some other. I kind f feel like I am holding my breath until it is finally for real spring out and then maybe I can really feel like  a real functioning human being. One more week of cold.. that's about all I can handle before I completely lose it.  One more week!

Here is some stuff to share from the online world…...

-I always did get confused by thisWhat's the Difference Between Scallions, Green Onions, and Spring Onions?

-I am a seltzer water addict. This is  An interesting look at the last seltzer bottler in New York City I am getting some text time I am in the city!


-I love a good  RV.. This one is good. BEFORE & AFTER: AN RV TO CALL HOME

-Watch Your Back, Kale. Kelp Is Gunning For The Veggie Du Jour Title

And a few from the real world…..

IMG_7959The Mister and I went to an art exhibit on Street art….Really cool stuff, but we both agreed that the artists in the show have much more of an impact when you see it outside. Still a great show.IMG_7953I have been looking at this heart all winter.IMG_2781Old man. He is in need of spring too…. and a bath.

IMG_6830We ordered another nucleus of bees this weekend… A few more weeks and these ladies will be buzz'n away. I can't wait!!!

IMG_1819Camp food is the greatest! I can't wait for CAMPING!

So hopefully everyone is hanging in there. Spring is coming and the world will be busting at the seams with lots of wonderful things. Until then, it's totally cool to hunker in and get another tv show binge under the belt before we are spending all of our time frolicking in the great outdoors. 

Have a great weekend and Happy Spring!


Balsamic Soaked Strawberries on Spinach Almond Avocado Salad

IMG_9958When something goes on sale at the grocery store, I tend to buy it. Being that it is Valentines Day this week, all the stores are having specials on all sorts of sexy things… and strawberries are one of them.  Now I am not a huge fan of buying produce that is terribly out of season, but I can't help myself…a good deal is a good deal and the strawberries were a super good deal. I was just going to make some sweet ass strawberry jam or maybe a lovely strawberry cake with them (and I probably still will), but these strawberries are actually super juicy and full of flavor, and it's always nice to eat some full flavor freshy strawberries… especially soaked in balsamic vinegar.  And yeah,  I think that this salad is pretty sexy, so it makes for a perfect Valentines day dish.

IMG_9894A handful of ingredients and 5 minutes will get you to a fantastic salad experience.

A bowl of  baby spinach, a few chopped up strawberries*,  half a sliced avocado and a small handful of toasted almonds.. Oh, and don't forget the balsamic vinegar…. 

*Note.. Strawberries are kind of heart shaped already so if you want, reserve a few slices to fancy up you salad presentation, but chop up the rest into smaller pieces.

IMG_9905Pour the vinegar on the strawberries and let sit for at least 5 minutes. (the longer the strawberries can sit with the vinegar, the better)

IMG_9937 IMG_9949Pile it on..  thinly slice avocado.. rough chopped toasted almonds… It's pretty much as easy as it can get.IMG_9955And last but not least, toss on the balsamic soaked strawberries and drizzle the remaining vinegar. (if you made hearts, place on top to make pretty) Sprinkle with a pitch of salt and pepper and pow! Fancy, sexy, delicious salad.

Not to shabby for  5 minutes and a handful of ingredients.  Anyone (don't feed to a person with nut allergies) would be so syked to be fed a salad like this… You yourself should be pretty excited to eat a salad like this. Heck, I am excited to eat a salad like this!

A love salad for everyone and everyday!

YAY for Thursday and Happy meal planning!!!! 


♥ Balsamic Strawberries on Spinach Almond Avocado Salad ♥

Ingredients for 1 large or 2 small salads

  • 3-4 ripe strawberries
  • handful of roasted almonds (slivers or whole)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar 
  • 3 cups baby spinach
  • Pinch of salt and pepper 

Dice strawberries into small pieces (reserve a few whole slices for heart shapes if you want) and toss in a small bowl  with the balsamic vinegar. Let sit for at least 5 minutes. Rinse and dry spinach. Place in a bowl(s) and top with thinly sliced avocado, chopped almonds and balsamic soaked strawberries. Drizzle the residual vinegar on top and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper. 

Eat with a fork

Paper Hearts


This weekend I made a stand of paper hearts that live all around the house. An early Valentines for my mister. We don't do fancy dinners,  store bought cards or gifts….. Handmade and pretty is what we do.

These hearts hang from the ceiling and toss pretty heart shadows on the walls…..and make both of us smile. 


  The making of stringed paper hearts is so very simple. What you need is..

  • One or more different colors of card stock paper
  • scissors
  • A sewing machine with thread..(can be hand sewn for sure)

To start, cut out a bunch of hearts, as many as you want. You can free form cut them (that's what I did) or you can either make a template and rouse  a cookie cutter or something and trace, if you want perfect uniform hearts. 

Decide on a color pattern (I did red, pink, white, brown, repeat) or random is nice too.

Start sewing the hearts. (I used a scrap to get started..and use the scrap piece for tacking to the ceiling). You can either sew hearts close together or leave an inch or two in between each. One trick I have learned when sewing strands of paper is to give a little tension to the strand as you are sewing…it helps keep the machine from jamming up.

You are done when all the hearts are sewn… And hang them up or, if you want to save them for a surprise for Valentines day, wrap strand around a piece of cardboard.  Leave up for a day, for a week, or like us, all year long.


Hearts everywhere…so simple, so pretty, so much love!
