Can you even believe it’s the week of Thanksgiving? Like really, it is. I know right? And yeah, it might be a little more low key and quiet and maybe even non existent this year, but hey, if missing a big family gathering (we are skipping our big family thanksgiving) will keep more people from getting sick, well then I say that is oh so fine by me. We will just float the holiday until we can all safely be together. Thanksgiving in April. Maybe we will make it a new yearly thing. Here’s to new traditions!
Another week past and not a whole heck of a lot happened of interest. The mr and I have been busy with lots of little things that need to be done around the house and the other houses and life. I have been trying to get a good chunk of glazing done so I have stuff stocked for selling and the mr has been riding around town with the scooter (the truck in in the shop) fixing things and doing whatever he does when he doesn't have a big project going on, all the while staying away from all the people, like way away. I did go for a walk with Megan and So in the woods and the mr, Barb, and I also took the littles for a nice walk because outdoors in fine and we need to hang with the littles, but other then that, no peoples. Oh, and we (fyi, Barb is basically always part of “we”. She basically lives with us now) took Gigi to the vets to get spayed. Another to do checked off the list.
And it snowed a little and it made me happy. I also picked up farm share and got 2 gigantic stocks of Brussels sprouts which is always a good thing, and I repotted a bunch of house plants that need replanting.
Wow, when I read that back to myself….. 😬
Sunday again. Happens every week. The mr and I are taking a drive to go walk some property that I am probably way to optimistic about, but damn, we need to get land before everyone buys it all up! This chunk looks oh so pretty and nice and hard to get to and has all the trees. At the very least, we are going to walk around in the woods for a little while so there’s that. And as far as for when I get home and have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever, welp I think it is time to bust out the Christmas decorations! It’s happening. I am excited!
Internet from the week.
-Are you sending baked goods in the mail? This is a good guide to have if you are. A Comprehensive Guide to Sending Baked Goods in the Mail.
-Yes. This is awesome. This Company Will Send a Cardboard Cutout of You To Your Family’s Holiday Dinner
-Sedentary Pandemic Life Is Bad for Our Happiness. I know that sedentary anytime is bad for my happiness.If I don’t exercise everyday I am a monster! And go course it important that people take care of themselves and do what they need to do but sometimes you have to push yourself a little to get up and move. It will always make you feel better!
-How have I gone through 34+ years of life and have yet to live in a treehouse? This is a change I need to make. This one would done just fine.
-Or maybe I skip the “House” all together and just start sleeping in trees. On Sleeping in the Largest Organism on Earth
-Ever Wonder Why Crying Sometimes Makes You Feel Better? Experts Explain the Science. I am not a crier unless I am so so angry. An angry crier. Maybe I should try and cry more?
-A Case for Using Your “Good Stuff” This Season. I never understand when people have “good” or “special” things that they never use. What is the point? I would much rather use that special thing(s) and if they get broken or ruined, well at least it was used.
- My top 3 all time favorite shows ever is having reunion! 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' reunion!
-REVERSIBLE HOUSE SHOES. I really like theses!
-How the Covid-19 pandemic hit the cut-flower chain. Oh the flowers, and every other crop. Stupid COVID. Barb and I were planning on going to Denmark in the spring to bike around the tulip farms… Not happening now. Let hope for Spring 2022!
Pictures from the week.