CHILI MONDAY!Well it is, but I am talking about making some super duper, yes I'll have seconds, tummy filling, bone warming, pumpkin chili.. And heathy oh so healthy to boot. Reals, it's the best.
This pumpkin chili recipe had evolved over the years. The first time I made pumpkin chili was for my very first dinner party that I threw back in college. Instead of cutting the pumpkin and adding it into the chili, I chopped the little pumpkins in half, roasted them, and used the halves as bowls..A good idea except no one at the pumpkin and I was left with a bunch of slobbered on roasted pumpkin halves. ( I probably should have said something, but being a few drinks in, I didn't think to say anything about the edible bowls and I don't think I noticed the abandoned pumpkins until the next morning). After that somewhat failed attempt, I started adding the pumpkin to the chili and left the drinking tip after the food is served. ( I learned so much in college)
But yeah, this recipe has traveled a few years with me and every time I make it, I always think, jeez, why don't I make this every weekend. Well maybe now I will.

Don't let this spread scare you.. it's just veggies from the fridge, a chopped up pie pumpkin and pre soaked beans. Oh and some canned tomato and spices. It took about 10 minutes of hands on time and one big pot. No big mess to clean up and you can get rid of those veggies in the fridge that are on the way out. WIN WIN WIN!

All the chopped veggies, the chopped pumpkin go into the pot with salt. pepper , and spices.( I added a fresh jalapeno and about 5 cloves of garlic to this mixture) Let the mixture sweat for about 5 minutes, giving it a quick stir or two.

Now toss in the beans and the tomatoes… Add a cans worth of water as well. Bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and cover.

A last minute addition.. I added a few chopped up kale leaves. I wanted a little more bright color and adding kale to anything is a good idea.

I added a little sliced avocado to one of the bowls (I only had enough for one) and cut up some lime wedges to squeeze on top. (I did, Nick didn't)

Best chili I have made in a long time…and yes, there is a bunch of left over which is fantastic because now I have lunch for the next couple days…
Have a good Monday!
Pumpkin Chili
- small sugar pie pumpkin
- 2 cups dried beans..I used a 1 1/2 cups black and 1/2 cup kidney or 2 cans of beans
- 28 oz can of crushed or diced tomatoes
- 1 small onion
- 1 small
- 1 carrot
- 1 /4 head of cabbage
- a small broccoli crown
- 1/4 head of cauliflower
- a few kale leaves
- 1 jalapeño
- 5 cloves garlic
- 2 tablespoons chili powder
- 2 tablespoons cumin
- 1 tablespoon coriander
- salt and pepper
Either the night before or morning of, presoak dried beans..(beans in pot with about 4 cups water and a sprinkle of salt)
Take pumpkin and slice in half, de-seed and chop flesh into little chunks. (You can peel it if you want, but really, there is no reason to) Rough chop all the veggies (minus the kale) and stick into a large pot with the pumpkin. Pot on medium heat.. let the veggies sweat for about five minutes. Now add the garlic and the spices and let cook for a few more minutes.
When the mixture starts to become fragrant… drain, rinse and add presoaked (or canned) beans. Then the tomatoes, and 1 1/2 cans worth of water.
Bring chili to a boil then cover and reduce heat to low. Let cook for about an hour, giving it a stir every now and then……...
Add in chopped kale a few minutes before serving
Serve in a bowl and top with sliced lime, avocado, a sprinkle of cheese….Whatever you want.