Hey hey hey.
Crazy freaking past month. I still feel like half of my person is gone and am still trudging through each day feeling the loss of Washer, but things are getting better, just still really sad and miss my pup like crazy. Trick is to stay super busy and that is what I have been doing. For one, we started back at the house again and have thrown ourselves into work. We are determined to get this freaking house done before the end of fall so we have been busting away all the days long. Things are getting done and now all the sheet rock is all up and the mr just finished the tape coat of mud.... Its all roses from here.
For another thing, there is so much family stuff lately and to be soon. A new baby just came , little miss Kayla (I keep calling her Keba), We had a family reunion, minus a few family member last week. I have lots of littles wanting attention before school starts again and oh, my little brother is getting shipped of to military school this week, (an actual military college that he actually wants to go too). Add another baby due in a month and the fact that fall is coming on fast and that means only one thing .. Family birthday season has arrived. Well that and apples. But no joke, pretty much a birthday a week for the next 9 months. I already have about 7 cake requests. It's about to get real around here.
As for cooking, well when Washer died, I pretty much stopped living for a week, but then when I started cooking again, I went through a week of making breads for the mr. (bread is very soothing to make, I think it's all the kneading) And then it got so super duper hella hot out that we have pretty much given up on preparing food and are just eating straight up cucumbers, zucchinis, and tomatoes, sometimes dipped inn mustard and hummus, by the bucketful. I think I am averaging about 3 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes a day. And now I am starting to get a bit of acid reflux. Hopefully this week won't be quite as crazy or quite as hot and I will have a little bit more time do some actual cooking, maybe some canning ( so many tomatoes!) and maybe share a recipe or 2.Lots of maybes here... we shall see.
Anyway, it is Sunday Sunday. The mr and I are leaving the house early and going for a little car, coffee, and maybe river adventure and are picking up a cast iron claw foot tub for the bathroom on the way. Wish us luck!
Internet stuff from the past week that might be of some interest to you.
-I am feeling the itch pretty hard. THIS COUPLE QUIT THEIR JOBS AND DROVE A VW VAN TO ARGENTINA...So this could be us soon?!
-If we decide to make hard cider again, a cider press is a must cause blending and squeezing 100 lbs of apple through cheesecloth last year was freaking ridiculous. How to Build a Cider Press
-It was mother F*CKING hot hot hot this week but we survived, and without ac. Too Much Time in Air-Conditioning Is Warping Your Ability to Handle Heat
-I used to get so sick when reading in the car (and sometime still do) Reading Makes You Carsick Because Your Brain Thinks It’s Being Poisoned
-No a watermelon won't grow in you stomach if you eat the seeds (it would be cool it did) Is It OK to Eat Watermelon Seeds?
-Love love love this house
-The Mystery Of Why Sunflowers Turn To Follow The Sun
-Blow your mind. There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Superfood’
-So doing this when we finish the house....WOVEN MACRAMÉ CHAIR TUTORIAL.
-Lovely. New Ocean Reefs Comprised of Rolled Paper
And some pictures.