It is summer for real now and I am trying to be positive about it, enjoy all the good stuff like food, bike riding, and limited amounts of clothing, but it is freaking hard when it gets so hot that all I want to do it rip my skin off. It’s an up and down thing. As long as the temperatures are below 80 and not humid, I am ok. Any hotter and I am like a gremlin fed after midnight. It is not good so watch out.
The week came and went and it was good. I gave Mark a haircut (My first fade, and it looked good!). Barb and I went strawberry picking and stained our hands red. I painted my wheel platform, trimmed and handled a ton of mugs, and managed to NOT buy clay once again. (I need to drive south 2 hours to pick it up…annoying)
We also had the littles over and we drew the sidewalks awesome (Judah drew a fast food meal and Coco drew cave pantings. Miley sat on her phone and ignored us) and then we blew all the bubbles. It was the best fun I has all week! Oh and farm share. SO MANY GREENS! My fridge is stocked to the brim with all sorts of goodies. Chard, kale, lettuce, collards. If you haven’t figured it out by now, greens are my love language. Want to make me happy, just give me a head of lettuce or a bunch of chard. I’ll like you forever.
Today he mr and I are trying to get in a quick kayak before heading to our friends baby shower. Not going to lie and say I am looking forward to being around people, but I am really excited for these guys and their baby to come so I’ll go. I am going. And to treat myself for going, I am gonna come home after and drink all the coffee and start in on my new stack of books. And hopefully not melt into a to mess. Stupid hot and humid weather. Ugh.
Some internet from the week.
-Do I want my brain to be more productive or just less crazy? Try these 9 easy exercises to train your brain to be more productive
-I am super excites to do this. Spice up your art with turmeric, sunlight, and a 19th century photography technique
-UFO Report: No Sign Of Aliens, But 143 Mystery Objects Defy Explanation. So???
-I don’t care where people wonder in my house EXCEPT my bedroom. There is nothing in there besides a bed and clothes but still. Stay out! The myth of bedroom privacy
-I am not going out at all but I have had a BBQ and that kicked my ass. Going Out a Lot These Days? Beware the ‘Social Hangover’
-Liking the new packaging. Very trendy. A Brief Journey Through the Many Faces of England’s Fanciest Salt
-We are getting up on tomato season! What's the Difference Between All the Types of Tomatoes?
-Might be time to remodel a bathroom. VIVA THE PINK BATHROOM.
-In love. 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. And this house too. Hannah Ware Fuses Past and Present in Her Historic Beachwood Canyon
Pictures from the week.