Hey friends, how are we doing? Good good I hope, if not a little wobbly and wonky, but that’s ok. At least it is spring. SPRING!!! I have been loving the weather so hard this past week. Not to cold, not to hot, not to sunny. Just right. So that is good.
Besides stellar weather this week, it has been another week. Started out with a nice long hike with Megan and the gang for her birthday. Muddy as heck yes, but really fun and good to spend some time with her and the kiddos. Then after that, the days just blurred from one thing to the next but things were done and happened and all that.
The frost froze in our fridge and it was this whole thing that took a entire day to fix with the steamer. That was fun (not really, but my fridge is so so CELAN). We also spent time with the littles, tried to figure out school work but then ended up making smoothies. I made a handful of face masks and cleaned out all my garden beds. We went for a walk with Shannon. Did a few little hikes, a few bike rides, and lots of walks. I wore my sandals on my feet for a day, and Barb and I went for a bike ride together just yesterday. So basically I spend most of my time either cleaning, hanging with the littles, or running, walking, biking, or hiking. Life is weird right now but I am embracing it and am more then happy to spend all my time outside.
Oh and the mr. He went and got himself a freaking scooter. I don’t even know so we will circle back round to this some other time.
And today, Easter Sunday. We usually do something as a family on easter, like hide eggs for the littles and eat food together, but not this year. We are going to go eat lunch with the littles and maybe do a little egg hunt thing with them. Then we are going to go for a walk with my mom. After that, well I don’t know. Probably come home and make a giant list of food that I need to get tomorrow. My chest freezer is basically emptied of frozen veggies, farm share isn’t until Thursday, and I am running dangerously low on me food. (there is more then enough food in the house to feed the mr for months, I just don’t eat any of it.) I might have enough frozen broccoli and one beet that I have been hoarding for dinner tonight and I know I have at least 2 onions and the spinach that I saved especially for tonight so just as long as the grocery store had some veggies tomorrow, i'‘ll be alright.
Internet from the week.
-Are your days melting together? IT is not just you. Time Is Meaningless Now
-Have you made bread yet? And are you wondering how the heck it does it thing wit the yeast? No for Real, What Is Yeast Exactly
-Hundreds of Rainbow Glass Panels Emit a Rotating Kaleidoscope in a Playful Kindergarten. What a place to go to school!
-This has NEVER been a problem for me, but it might be for you. I Bought Too Many Vegetables
-How do we know what dinosaurs looked like? Yeah, really, how do we know?
-I have been running every morning but man, are my ankles super sore. I think I screwed up my Achilles tendons. What is the best surface to run on to avoid getting injured?
-The toilet paper shortage is more complicated than you think. I haven’t had to buy toilet paper yet, but now and going to be keeping my eyes open for some next time I go shopping.
-As soon as it is warm enough outside I plan on it, for just me and the mr, and then for the littles.. Throw Your Kids a Quarantine Campout
-How Stories Connect And Persuade Us: Unleashing The Brain Power Of Narrative. This is why I read.
-Some good things are happening. Lockdown Effect: Impossible View of the Himalayas Captured by Photographers in India After 30 Years
Pictures from the week