Did any of you get a chance to see any of the meteor shower yesterday morning? I did. I woke up at 430, shook the mr awake only for him to fall back asleep, grabbed a blanket and went out to the back yard. (our yard is pitch black at night) I spent a good forty five minutes with my head tilted up just watching. I saw a least a dozen if not more meteorites and wow, it was pretty amazing. I think that from now on I need to start my day with watching the stars, it centered me in a very real way and gave me all sorts of feelings. Just me and the sky. I like the sound of that.
We had a few littles all week long. Miley, Judah, and the baby, Coco. Everyday after school we picked them all up, came home and did the homework, ate all the peanut butter and cinnamon apples and carrots, kept trying to spell dick out of the nick refrigerator magnets, then played in the trees. One of the days while I was inside getting dinner together, the mr and the two bigger littles were out back in th e giant cedar tree cutting down branches to get ready for the tree house that they are going to build. (No one asked me to help OR whether I thought cutting any of my tree was ok, but you know) So littles all week, Sunday through Friday. But that was just that. We also had a planned birthday party lunch here for Barb and her friends. Chill, bread, ice cream cake, and tandem bike riding. A bunch of 18 year old ladies and their very fancy high heeled shoes. The mr was a little scared and stayed out back playing with his tools while I got to feel like an old lady trying to decipher the language of the cool kids. (I think I did ok) Then that night we took the littles to Barbs field hockey game and watched them play a game that I have to grasp for. All I know was that even though they didn't win, they still played pretty good. That was her actual birthday.The next day the littles didn't have school so we woke them up, I made the best pancakes ever, grabbed Barb again, and headed to the pumpkin patch. This year the pumpkins at the farm got flooded early in the season so no pumpkin day for this year (so sad) We were left to find a replacement farm to tide us over. We found a cute little farm stand with a good selection of pumpkins (no hay rides) where we each picked out our carving pumpkins for next weeks Hocus Pocus watching and pumpkin carving party . I forgot how difficult is is to pick a pumpkin. You have to consider the size, stem, color, and over all feel. But which one is best? Life decisions right there. We got the pumpkins, feed the littles, and sent them back home to their mother. Wiped out and reeling, we spent the rest of the day running around feeding Megan's cat, cleaning up the house, and restocking the fridge ( the kids ate all the food)
On the work front, I didn't get much done, It was hard starting any projects because we only could work mornings due to the children infestation. We did get all the tile for the bathroom which is nice and stacked in a pile on the front porch. No it's not on the floor or the walls where it is suppose to be, but at least we got it so there is that. The mr was out most days (until the littles came over) doing work for a few other people. I got to spend a day one the phone trying to figure out how I had a almost $1800 phone bill then only to figure out after a very frustrating day that I accidentally paid one of the mortgages to the phone company and that they owed me money. That set me off and I spent another day trying to get my money back so I could actually pay the mortgage (once a place has your money, they do not want to give it back) I also had an eye appointment one morning were I had my eye dilated and was freaking blind for like four hours and was told I am suppose to wear glasses all the time, which I figured, but dang. And now I need to shop for glasses for the eyes on my face and I don't like things on my face and I don't like shopping so suck. But I am going to do it because being able to see better will be kinda nice I think, but I'll let you know.
Then last night another party. Barb had her birthday party at my house on her birthday, but I guess my mom was feeling extra special toward her youngest of nine now being an adult and threw her a surprise party. All her family and friends at the old man Eagles Club with a DJ, tons of food and a cash bar (for the adults) Barb though she was on her way to go out to dinner (which she was really excited about) and how she ended up going into the VFW without knowing something was up I have yet to ask, but she was surprised, and happy, and it was all really cute. I got to dance my dance moves (the mr took a video and now has material for blackmail) and got to play ballon chase with all the littles that were there, and snack on the broccoli that no one else was eating. It was all a lot of fun and then I came home and assed the f out.
That was one heck of a week.
Today, oh today is all about the river. The mr and I are packing up food and coffee, a blanket, me a book, him his fishing pole, and off we are going. A calm and quite day outside, away from people is exactly what we need. I love my family but I need a day away from them all.
Interneting from the week
-Why We Should Be Cooking Like Our Grandmas From scratch and all.
-It's not gonna happen this year, but a definite for next. KNIT OR TREAT: HOW TO MAKE A (SUPER EASY) GIANT KNIT PUMPKIN FOR HALLOWEEN
-The 36 Questions That Lead to Love Do you believe that answering theses equations brings love? I don't know, but some of the questions are a little whoa.
-Sleep Scientist Warns Against Walking Through Life 'In An Underslept State' Heed the warning...get your shut eye!
-This is happening and it's kind of crazy. Should College Professors Give 'Tech Breaks' In Class?
I have used youtube to learn a few things, like knitting and I think that is actually it, but still. But at least young adults are trying to figure out how to do things for themselves, even if it means watching youtube. Without YouTube Videos, Young Adults Now Lack Even Basic Life Skills
-Want to Escape to the Wilderness? This Job Comes With a Colorado CabinTwo years living in the woods, sign me up!
-These Are The 6 Types of Minimalists. Which One Are You? I am a sustainable- thrifty minimalist.
-His Dark Materials are without a doubt one of my top two favorite books (I know its a trilogy, but I count them as one) And now a new trilogy!!! The first book came out this week and I am picking up my copy this week. With ‘La Belle Sauvage,’ Philip Pullman Begins a New Trilogy
Lots of kiddo pictures from the week