My baby brothers graduated from high school this week, as well as two nephews from 8th grade. When the hell did these boys get so old? It all just makes me feel like an old lady. I guess I finally realized that compared to them, I am old. ( but am way cooler)
Other then graduating kids, the week has been full and hefty with the things that we do. I picked up our very first farm share of the summer season (hooray!) and wasted no time in pretty much eating it all within a two days. Good thing that as the season goes on, the amount of food doubles or even triples.(I can eat a pound of greens for a meal) I also have been harvesting the rhubarb and eating way to much of it myself. I am on a very slippery path of become a vegetable myself. I should probably eat some peanut butter for balance. We also had to bring the pup and kitty to the vets which I always dread but then after the visit remember how weird our animals are. For some reason (probably the treats) they both like going to to the vets and are always super behaved. If only they acted like that all the time. But yeah, just another week here, getting into the summertime swing.
And it's Sunday once again. I hear that today is suppose to be a wet and cold day so, let all just embrace it and spend the day reading and making pie. (I have to make a rhubarb pie.. the mr has been patiently waiting for one)
Internet oh internet links.
-AAHHH! So many freaking mosquitoes bites. Repel Mosquitoes with These Plants
-Sad. Light Pollution Hides Milky Way From 80 Percent Of North Americans. Maybe we should turn some freaking lights off, hum?
-Soda is soda, diet or not,so yeah, tax that shit! Philadelphia Is About to Pass America’s First Tax on Diet Soda
-15 Novelty Pool Floats and I want them all (for what, I do not know)
-Floral Food Faces. Why buy regular flowers when you could buy edible ones?
-Picking out a toilet is serious business. A round up of affordable toilets
-Amazing street art. Hyperrealistic Paintings of Children and Animals
-I have been thinking a lot about where to pots and pans are going to live in the new kitchen. Hanging Pots & Pans Solutions in Real Kitchens
-Pantless Ducks. So cute.
An a few pics.
Good day!