Happy 2016! Happy Winter! Happy Snow!(a few weeks late, but super happy for it to come at last)
So did you have a great week off, or a slower then normal week? Lots of lounging, binge watching of the Netflix and eating all the left over cookies? Or was it back to work and back to reality? We go from holiday madness to all out crazy the week after Christmas.. There are birthday parties, littles out of school that need babysitting, and work. We keep on working cause that's what we do. And remember last week how I told you I was losing my voice. Well it turned out that I lost it for the entire week. So I was a little sick and really quite which made for a weird and interesting one fore sure.. (especially babysitting without a voice. That got crazy)
And it happened again. New years. Did you party party and stay up til midnight to watch the (fill in the blank) drop? Not going to lie, the mr and I brought in the new year trying to watch tv together, but I just ended up reading. Then I actually fell asleep at 930. What can I say. I am an old lady. And no resolutions, just the average everyday, I need to do "this" or 'that' a little better/faster/cleaner or what not. Goals are what I have and there is not time line. But if you have resolutions, well good for you.
Today is actually the first day off we have taken since last Sunday. As of now, there are a few little things we are going to work on over at the house but we are not getting into the nitty gritty of it all until we get back from our plane rides of fun in February. Last week we got the ceilings sheet rocked and the mr is now doing the tape/mud this week. (I don't even try because 1. I suck ass at it. 2. he is so good and3. he really likes doing it) I've got a butt load of paper/ bills/ things people want, to go through so this will be a good week to do that and to start whittling away at my spoon. Plus we have a lot of things that need to be done before we depart, like watching scary you tube videos of people trying to drive around Ireland on the right side of the road, figure out whether or not I can bring dried lentils in my carry on, and gather enough reading material to last me plane rides and early mornings spent drinking tea by the sea side.
So much. But not today. Today is for reading, coffee and tea, a warm cozy sweater and most likely some ice on the old back (sheet rocking ceilings kinda sucks)
I hope your day is spend well, doing good things and being happy.
Stuff I liked on the internet this week.
- I think this could work. The Taco Cleanse Is a Thing, So 2016 Will Be the Best Year Ever
-Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions to Yourself, Please.
-I'll take this cabin , just stick it in the woods
To all you party peoples out there. Want To Avoid A Hangover? Science Has Got You Covered
-Winners & Honorable Mentions of the 2015 National Geographic Photography Competition
-The hottest food trends in 2016 according to Whole Foods and even better... Grandparents Predict the Food Trends of 2016
-These toys are the greatest!
-Keep Things Simple For A Healthy, Long Life
-If you stuck wheels on our living space now, it would kinda look like this.
And some pictures from the week.
Have a fantastic day!