Sunday Happy

I have managed to wear my overalls all week, cause it has been that kind of week. Rainstorms, the loudest and longest clap of thunder I have ever heard, yard and garden work, and many many mosquito bites. Me and the mr. took the afternoon on Friday to go pick strawberries and snap peas down at our farm share and now my hands are stained red and think I have eaten my weight in strawberries over the past two days. And one might think that I would get a little berried out, but every time I walk by the big bowl of berries I left on the table, I grab a few. (pretty much every time I get up in my house, you walk by the table) We also got to spend a little time hanging out with the family and seeing some little littles.  Grilled cheese sandwiches (with american cheese of course) drawing on the deck with chalk, and talking about upcoming birthday cake ideas  (pink or purple and must have lots and lots of sprinkles!) 

And begin that its the 4th of July weekend, the mr. finally busted out our sweet little cast iron hibachi grill and set it up pretty much right in front of the front (and only) door. Once that beast is hot, it really can't be moved easily, so there was a fire hot grill to navigate around to get out of the house. But it was ok because we  grilled up a bunch of veggies (and a few little good!), I made the bestest potato salad that has ever been made (I'll share the recipe this week) and we had ourselves a most fantastic time.

And fireworks.... well, I am not the biggest fan. (more of a sparkler fan) I mean, I won't turn away if I happen to be in the area of things blowing up in the sky but I don't actively go out of my way to see that, especially at 9:30 at night, cause geeze, I am in my pjs, on my way to bed. So no, I didn't see any fireworks and yes,, I am an old lady.

I hope that you all had and are continuing to have a fun, festive weekend! 

Here, have some internet fun.

-I could/want to live here. In off-the-grid yurt, Montana couple live 'on our own terms'  

-Or maybe live hereThe Bohemian Dream, in 350 Square Feet

- Making pigeons more awesome. Towering New Pigeon Murals by ‘Super A’ 

-Read this. The Blight of the Honey Bee  

- If I ever have the oppritunity, I want take the Le Creuset Factory  

-I kind of want this 

-Holy Crappers, these are amazing! This Artist Makes Incredibly Tiny Pottery By Hand  

-Listen...New Beach House Song!! 


And pictures from the past week

Happy Sunday..BYE!
