Hey there people. How's your weekend going? Did you have yourself a very merry Christmas full of all things happy? Are you spending the weekend chilling out or have you already tossed the tree and are now in the process of vacuuming up needles that will linger for the next 3 months? (Our tree stays until new years)
Christmas was good over here (even if it was near tropical). Lots of fun family fun. Ice skating, dinner, secret santa swap (I got the best set of vintage pyres mixing bowls.. thanks Barb!). The mr and I did our traditional stockings ( I got him fly fishing stuff and fruit smelling markers. He got me a bunch of apples and a wood caving book with tools and wood to carve me me some spoons!!!) We did a little relaxing, i did a bunch of baking, and everyone was pretty happy. All 22 of us were together at the same time (minus my dad.... we missed my dad) and not a single fight or accidental kick to the face or crying over broken toys. It was pretty great.
But here is the question on everyone's mind. Who got a hover board?
Then comes the aftermath. I spent yesterday kinda half cleaning form the Christmas mess and half napping while hacking my lungs out. We were suppose to go to my nephews b day party, but I felt like crap and completely lost my voice. Whenever I did try to talk nothing came out and my vocal cords felt like they were set on fire. And I was not about to walk into a room of littles and people that want to talk. No on list of things I could handle. (Being able to cry fro help when kids are beating you up is key to survival) So no party and no talking from me. But the mr, he couldn't stop talking and asking me questions.(which I responded through eye rolls and thumbs) I think he really enjoys me being quite. So yeah, I am stupid sick. I'm not sure if this is a crash and burn sicky or I just picked something up from one of the littles who bring home their nastys. Whatever it is, I need to kick it today cause tomorrow we are starting to sheet rock the ceiling at the new house. (sheet rocking ceilings totally sucks ass!) And the holidays are not over and I am trying to ride the rest of the week on the holiday high, hopefully unsick. Got to get my party pants on for New Years (my party pants are my pj pants) We are gonna have a movie marathon and probably fall asleep on the couch by 10, Go us! 2016 what! Can't even right now.
Some interesting internet stuff.
- This ingredient weight chart from King Arthur Flour is very helpful in the kitchen
-I love seeing other people studios. This pottery studio is very pretty. And I could live in this one.
- This is fantastic. France will soon require supermarkets to donate all unsold food
-Still don't believe that these paintings are in fact painting.
I want to make these paper jewels. (not as Christmas decorations)
-10 Food Science Lessons Worth Learning
-Am I a psychopath? Maybe. People Who Like Coffee Are More Likely To Be Psychopaths
- Pizza Farm with Nick Offerman- hahaha.
-Tree Counter Is Astonished By How Many Trees There Are. .and still wants to plant a trillion trees!
-Airbnb... Spending way yo much time looking at little Irish cottages to stay in.
And some pictures.
Have a fantastic day... Spend lots of time relaxing and doing you!